Saturday, May 8, 2010

Look what is new today!

Hi I'm back again I just wanted to show you what I took out of the kiln today.

It's called a lazy vase it nearly drove me cracked trying to master it, I've had about 7 attempts before I've made one I 'm happy with so yippee finally I have produced one I love!


  1. wel done annette glad ur bac have a lot of ur items purchased when we were down in Kilmore Quay everyone who have seen my purchase say what lovely colours dont they match each room. wil c u again in June to buy more thank u so much for ur lovely creations and one off too.

  2. Hello Annette,
    I have just viewed your blog and am the hell do you do it??? It is amazing and so beautiful. I have one of your old lamps and vases and everyone who visits my house says how beautiful they are. They really stand out and are different to anything else you see around. I can't wait to go to your shop to see some of the new stuff. The fused lamps look absolutely fabulous. The only thing is though I know from past experience that I will just want to buy everything!!!! See you soon.
    Michelle Swaine
